Firstly, Russians isn´t a race, neither is English, French, Estonians, etc.
And secondly, he isn´t "racist" because he didn´t get offended about my Russian joke. The whole point of my post was that people shouldn´t get offended by silly jokes because 99% of the time, people who tell them don´t think that way. As in... it´s just a joke.
I made a joke about Russians in that thread? Why didn´t you report me? Or don´t report a person who makes a joke about blondes or the French or chavs or your mama? It´s just a joke, a bad one at that so very relevant to that thread. It doesn´t mean that the person is really thinking that way. Some people need to take things less seriously.
I´ve been trying to get them to flame me but it doesn´t seem to be working. Damn. I was looking forward to an amusing attack of the fanboys. Maybe I´ll start a "LFS vs rFactor" thread.
Since there is quite a few conspiracy theorists in this thread, I´d like to ask you what happened to MS Estonia?
The official report blamed the accident on the failure of locks on the bow visor, that broke under the strain of the waves.
But that´s boring. How about this theory. "The ship was carrying a secret cargo of military equipment smuggled from the Russians by the British MI6 on behalf of the CIA, as part of ongoing efforts to monitor the development of Russia's weapons." And was sunk because someone caused an explosion that blew off the visor.
The evidence to support this theory are:
an American private investigations finding traces of an explosion on a piece of metal retrieved from the ship,
the passengers heard large bangs, like an explosion, before the sinking,
the ship sank very fast and in the deepest part of the Tallinn - Stockholm shipping lane,
right after the wreck the captain was on the survivors list and supposedly some people saw him, but he hasn´t been seen since, the theorist believe he was whacked by the CIA or something,
the Estonia Agreement 1995, a treaty between Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Russia and the United Kingdom (though the UK itself is not a Baltic state and hence the MI6 theories), declared sanctity over the site, prohibiting its citizens from even approaching the wreck and therefor stopping any independent investigations.
EDIT: I copied the Estonia Agreement part from Wikipedia and there seems to be an error there. It´s says that UK isn´t a Baltic state in a way which would imply that all the other members are Baltic states. That is not true. Baltic states are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The rest are countrys by the Baltic sea but they´re not called Baltic states.
I think Israel should never have been artificially created. USA and UK screwed up big time after the WW2. I mean what were they thinking? It´s unfortunate that the Jews were forced to leave hundreds of years ago but taking the land off another country is going to create a conflict that will be practically unsolvable peacefully. Only way this is ever going to end is to let them have a war and have one side completely wipe out the other. Otherwise the current situation will go on forever. And the sad part is that it´s neither the Jews fault or the Muslims fault. It´s the fault USA and UK who poked around where they shouldn´t have 60 years ago. Maybe they had good intentions, that Jews finally have their land and the Muslims will accept it and they´ll all live happily ever after. But in that case they were extremely naive and frankly incompetent too.
I think this stereotype is kind of true. Most teenagers are wankers (pun intended ), atleast when you provide Internet and anonymity to them. I´m 20. I remember what I was like. Scary.
Most of the Russians were happy with Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union wasn´t made up of only Russians. It was the other nations that were occupied that were really unhappy - Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Poles, etc. Putin is so popular because he is indeed trying to restore the conditions of Soviet Union. He´s even said openly that he thinks the collapse of the Soviet Union was the biggest mistake of the 20 th century.